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    American Idol Superheroes 5


    Your favorite superhero story?

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    Total Votes: 6

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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by brookesbiggestfan October 8th 2008, 9:46 pm

    Title: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Rating: G

    Please note no offense is intended to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!! I just thought that the evil villain name “Archuletanator” sounded cool. Offensiveness to anyone else is not intended to be hurtful, and is just to add humor to the story.

    Plot: Someone is joining the dark side and working for Archuletanator!!!!

    Main Characters:
    Brooke White/Super Brooke
    David Cook/Mega Cook
    Carly Smithson/Atomic Carly
    Jason Castro/Dreadman
    Kristy Lee Cook/Indestructo Kristy Lee
    Michael Johns/Racketman
    Syesha Mercado/Wonder Syesha
    Ramiele Malubay/Shortie
    Amanda Overmyer/Sausage Vision
    David Hernandez/Useless
    The Evil Archuletanator

    The Morning Begins. Each superhero has a story to tell.


    I wake up as Brooke. I begin my morning routine like every other normal person out there. I have breakfast, get dressed, do my hair/makeup, etc. Then I go outside and wait for the limo to come. I’m the first one in the car and I’m there while the limo goes to pick up 10 others. It’s quite a long ride for me, considering the headquarters building is about an hour away from where I live. It’s only 15 minutes away from where David Hernandez lives. He’s the last one to be picked up. Then we pull up to the headquarters building, at its inconvenient location, and then I am not Brooke. I am Super Brooke. And there begins my day for real.

    David C:

    No thanks. I don’t want to go fight evil today, but as always, I have no choice. I figure one of these days the cops will find some sense laying around, track down Archuletanator and arrest him once and for all. Apparently, blowing Senior Homes and Petting Zoo’s to smithereens isn’t severe enough to be sent to prison. I don’t really get it. Anyhow, I’m the second one to get in the limo. I claim a seat next to Brooke and then we’re off to Carly’s house.


    Waking up is always exciting. There’s a new day ahead and new battles to fight. I’m always curious to find out what “genius” plan the evil Archuletanator has worked up. I love destroying his schemes by blowing things up and using my weaponry to destroy him and his new secret lair, wherever that may be. About an hour after I’m up, the limo comes and I claim my seat on the other side of David Cook, and we’re off to headquarters.


    I do not want to go fight villains today. There are so many other things I’d rather be doing. But since I have some stupid power, I have to go fight evil when I could be chilling out in my hot tub or watching pro-wrestling on my flat screen TV. Although with out my dumb job, I wouldn’t have a hot tub, or a flat screen TV. That job pays for everything I do, which I’m pretty sure I deserve. I’m tortured. Indestructo Kristy Lee always puts some stupid spell on me. It could be a silence spell, or a spell that causes me to speak German. I don’t even know German, but somehow, when I’m cursed, I speak Deutsch. (That’s German for German, I’ve been told.) The limo pulls up in front of my house far too early, and I get in, and sit way in the back. I’ve also been told (by David Cook) that I don’t have a high enough ranking to sit near the front like everyone else. So I complain, and groan, and moan. I think that’s why IKL puts spells on me. Maybe I should look into some therapy.

    Kristy Lee:

    Waking up isn’t fun, I’ll admit that. But I love my job. Knowing I get to help the community is rewarding. Also knowing that we’ve crushed Archuletanator’s spirits is satisfying too. I don’t know what provokes that guy to want to blow things up, reverse the rotation of the earth, destroy lawn gnomes, or wipe out the human race with giant robots, but I think he needs therapy or prison or rehab or something. Soon after I wake up, the limo pulls up and I get in and sit next Brooke. Most of the time I spend in that limo is putting spells on Jason, who complains and moans and complains some more. I am so thankful I have my powers. I think I’d go nuts without them.


    I have mixed thoughts about going to fight evil. Sometimes I’m glad to defeat the Evil Archuletanator, but other times I wish the police could come and arrest him. I seriously think that guy needs help. (Mentally speaking.) I don’t know why somebody would want to blow up stuff. Personally, I think he could be doing something to help the community, rather than blow it to smithereens, but the guy has other thoughts. I’m the 6th one to get in the limo. I sit on Kristy Lee’s other side and then we’re off to pick up Syesha.


    WOO HOO!!!! I get to go fight off evil!!!!

    Sorry little sarcasm there. Fighting evil just scares me. I don’t want to die or get blown to bits or something else scary like that. I don’t know why I was given powers. But I guess I sort of like my power because I can hide. I’m afraid. There. I said it. I’m afraid.


    That felt very good to say. Well, it looks like its time to get up, eat, put on my hideous superhero outfit, jump in a limo, and drive away to go get Chikezie and the others, and then fight off evil.


    I like fighting evil. I’m happy to know I can help my community, and save the world. Sounds sorta strange. Saving the world. Really, when we fight off the evil Archuletanator it just feels like going to work. Since you probably don’t destroy evil plots every day, here’s an easy comparison: to me, fighting evil is like going to work and sitting at a desk. It’s easy. It pays well. I can’t complain. Here comes the limo. After me, we go pick up Ramiele.


    I really have no thoughts about my job. It’s always been a part of my life. I don’t hate it, but I don’t like it either. Does that make any sense? Anyhow fighting evil is just what we do. We can’t really get rid of our powers, so we just use our strengths to… well, in this case, fight evil. And that’s what I’ve always done, whether it’s my grumpy next door neighbor, the dog that attacked him, my grouchy great aunt, the Evil Archuletanator, or Detective Cowell on a bad day. (Which is really no different from a good day, because his attitude sucks.) I have to go get in a limo and go off to pick up Amanda. Maybe she’ll bring us some sausage.


    I wake up every morning and have breakfast. It’s usually sausage, considering I look at my food when I eat. And whatever I look at turns to sausage. I should really stop staring at my food because I’m really getting sick of sausage. Why wouldn’t I? That’s what I’ve eaten pretty much my entire life. Anyhow, I guess it’s time to get in the limo. I better not look at it, otherwise it will turn into a sausage and I won’t be able to get any of them back, because Kristy Lee is the one who turns the people I turn into sausages back into humans. Without her the whole world would go weenie. And I don’t think we want that.

    And now the story begins…

    The limo pulled up in front of David Hernandez’s apartment building. Usually, he was standing there waiting, but today he wasn’t.
    “Where is that Useless powerless waste?” Atomic Carly asked.
    “Beats me,” replied Mega Cook.
    They waited there for 15 minutes, and still no sign of Hernandez.
    “Uh, Ryan, we should get going,” Super Brooke said, “Detective Cowell will be in one heck of a bad mood if we’re any later.”
    Right after she said that, her cell phone rang, and driver Ryan Seacrest started driving again.
    “It’s Cowell,” she said nervously. She put the phone to her ear.
    “Hello?” she asked. Suddenly, she winced and held the phone away from her head. Everyone else could hear Detective Cowell screaming.
    “Okay, okay, we’ll be there ASAP,” she said, gently.
    More screaming.
    Super Brooke closed her phone.
    “My ears are ringing,” she complained, “I wish he wouldn’t yell.”
    “What did he say?” Indestructo Kristy Lee asked.
    “A lot of screaming, then swearing, then something about Hernandez, then more screaming, more swearing, then something about Archuletanator,” she replied.
    “Hernandez and Archuletanator in the same sentence?” Shortie (Ramiele) asked.
    “That doesn’t sound good,” replied Wonder Syesha.
    “Nothing he says ever sounds good,” Racketman (Michael) reminded her.
    Soon, they pulled up in the headquarters parking lot. They rushed in, worrying about Detective Cowell’s screaming and strange message.
    When they entered the Headquarters room, Detective Cowell himself was standing there. He wasn’t on the video message like usual.
    Detective Cowell was not happy.
    The supers covered their ears until he stopped screaming.
    “What’s Archuletanator up to now?” Atomic Carly asked.
    “What’s he up to?” Detective Cowell replied, “WHAT IS HE NOT UP TO?”
    “Take a chill pill, mate,” Racketman told him. He took out a bottle labeled “Chill Pills” out of his pocket, opened it, and poured one into his hand. He offered it to Detective Cowell.
    “Okay, okay,” Racketman replied, “go on.”
    “All right then,” Detective Cowell began, “David Hernandez has teamed up with the Evil Archuletanator.”
    Everyone gasped.
    “He turned against us!!!!” Mega Cook exclaimed.
    “Yes, I know, airhead,” Detective Cowell replied, “They’re plotting and scheming as we speak. They haven’t put their plan in action yet, but we need you to stop them before they do something destructive.”
    “Yes, right away!” Dreadman replied.
    “Come on guys,” Mega Cook said, in an annoyed, hurt tone. He didn’t like the fact that Detective Cowell had called him an airhead.
    “And girls,” Super Brooke reminded him.
    “Yeah, whatever,” Mega Cook replied.
    The supers got in their limo and were driven to Archuletanator’s new headquarters, which was in an abandoned Apple Jacks factory.
    “I love apple jacks,” Dreadman said, randomly.
    “Good for you,” replied Indestructo Kristy Lee, “we don’t care.”
    After the limo arrived at the Apple Jacks factory, the supers made their way up the sidewalk to the building. As always, the front door was propped open, this time, with a box of Apple Jacks.
    “I’ll take this,” Dreadman said, picking up the box. The door hit him and he fell over, skidding across the floor on his face.
    When they entered the building, they saw Archuletanator and Hernandez sitting at a desk, with a pad of paper and a box of 96 Crayola Crayons. They were drawing on the paper.
    “How do you spell bomb?” Hernandez asked Archuletanator.
    “B-O-M-M, duh,” Archuletanator replied. He selected a green crayon from the box and scribbled out something he had drawn.
    “Stop right there, Archuletanator!” Mega Cook shouted.
    “And his evil minion, Hernandezanator!” Hernandez shouted.
    “Hernandezanator?” Super Brooke asked. She and Indestructo Kristy Lee burst out in a fit of hysterics.
    “There isn’t much that works, okay?” Hernandez told them in a snappy tone.
    Mega Cook tied up Hernandez with his Spidey powers, and then he tied up Archuletanator.
    “You can’t do this!” shouted Archuletanator.
    “That’s right! You can’t!” hollered Hernandezanator.
    “Shut up,” Archuletanator told him.
    “No problem,” Indestructo Kristy Lee replied. She put the two evil villains under a silence spell. Then Sausage Vision turned them into lowly sausages, and stuck them in her pocket. Super Brooke started a fire after they exited the building. Chikezie, who had turned into the Rockman, threw the sausages as far away as he could. They all knew that eventually, they would turn back into humans, but it would be quite awhile until they could find another headquarters and scheme and plan again. The superheroes had lost a man to the dark side, but they knew that they didn’t need him at all. After all, he was Useless.

    The End.

    Posts : 4705
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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty Re: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by brookesbiggestfan October 9th 2008, 10:45 am

    someone reply!!!!! i really like this one!!!! i want 2 know what u think too!!!!!!

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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty Re: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by brookesbiggestfan October 9th 2008, 7:05 pm

    haha hernandez on the dark side.

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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty Re: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by brookesbiggestfan October 9th 2008, 7:09 pm

    sorry i'm posting so many things on my own stories but i am really bored.

    American Idol Superheroes 5 628460 :lmao: American Idol Superheroes 5 264939 American Idol Superheroes 5 779834 American Idol Superheroes 5 27336 American Idol Superheroes 5 387427 American Idol Superheroes 5 123882 American Idol Superheroes 5 86679 American Idol Superheroes 5 268605 American Idol Superheroes 5 675806 American Idol Superheroes 5 45124 American Idol Superheroes 5 173165 American Idol Superheroes 5 820627 American Idol Superheroes 5 911906 Strecher American Idol Superheroes 5 66797 Poke Ninja Wave Spaz Very Happy

    sorry but this site has the best smileys ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty Re: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by brookesbiggestfan October 11th 2008, 11:05 am

    heyy everyone whats up??

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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty Re: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by brookesbiggestfan October 15th 2008, 7:13 pm

    wow since when have i had 91 posts? i've only been a member for a little over the month... Embarassed

    well i guess this one makes it 92
    wow. Spaz

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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty Re: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by brookesbiggestfan October 17th 2008, 6:14 pm

    vote!!!!!!!!!!!! Spaz
    Starving Artist :)
    Starving Artist :)

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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty Re: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by Elizabeth November 6th 2008, 8:05 pm

    brookesbiggestfan - I've been following your superheroes series and it is honestly one of the best fan fictions that I've ever come across. I don't read a whole lot of fanfics, but I was really impressed by yours. It's wonderfully written, very creative and such a joy to read. You really capture the essence of each of the Idols (in a very playful manner) by poking innocent fun at their individual quirks, yet not in an insulting way. Haha, I love how you made Archie the villian, Hernandez useless and Castro a whiner. And of course, Super Brooke is my favourite because of her awesome powers.

    I look forward to seeing more stories from you!

    (By the way, I think we need graphics for these characters, haha).

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    American Idol Superheroes 5 Empty Re: American Idol Superheroes 5

    Post by brookesbiggestfan November 6th 2008, 11:23 pm

    wow thank you so much that is so nice :^)

    i have another one in progress :^)

    i'll get it up here soon!!!!!!!! Very Happy

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